If past paced, in-your-face punk-rock’s your thing, then look no further than Refuge Island’s latest single ‘Vulgarism’. Since bursting into our ears with debut single ‘Above Board’ we’ve been avid fans of the West-Coast frantic punk-rockers and we’re delighted to see the momentum has continued into 2020.
Working closely with Glasgow’s 7 West studios, ‘Vulgarism’ is everything you want form a sub-3min punk track, as we see the band successfully convert their raw, energetic live shows onto record. Influences such as Slaves, Idles and The Blinders run wild through the track, as lyrically they touch on subjects like mental health and substance use.
With no gigs on the horizon, please do what you can do support local bands, whether it be buying merch or just streaming the hell out of their tracks. Once gigs are back on the table, get filling those venues!