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Isolation Insiders: Better Halves

With the world in self-isolation and gigs coming to a halt, except for broadband-dependent live shows, we thought we'd keep our favourite artists and their fans entertained with a series of interviews. Next up:


Edinburgh's Better Halves first caught my ear last year with debut single 'Dreamcatcher', what can i say, just a sucker for melodic harmonies!

Since then they've gone on to release their first 5-track EP 'Technicolour Smiles' and now their back with new single 'Surface Noise'. They continue to build upon previous releases, and for me, stand out as one of the best new songwriters in Scotland, just perfectly constructed euphoric pop songs.


Q1. What’s the Better Halves origin story?

We all sort of knew each other from various bands - Graeme and Freddie knew each other from a project, Graeme and Joe knew each other from a project, Freddie and Liam knew each other from a project etc etc… so it just seemed natural when we eventually got into a room together, after Liam wanted to launch a new group with the song Dreamcatcher, and the chemistry between us immediately felt right - soon enough, we were gigging and recording and exploring other avenues of what the young folk these days call “music”.

Q2. Describe each member in three words?

Liam: Way with words.

Freddie: Sciency, foreign, structured.

Joe: 'bit too relaxed.

Graeme: Late to practise.

Q3. If someone’s never listened to you before, which track should they start with?

Probably Dreamcatcher since that’s the first song we played together as a group, but Days Gone By is seemingly the most popular one. Wait till Surface Noise comes out, though...

Q4. If you could be in any other band, which would it be and which instrument would you want to play?

Liam: Hard to say - something a bit more folk-oriented, maybe something a bit lo-fi and synthy, or maybe a bit grittier rock (and/or roll) sort of stuff. I’d probably be playing guitar and singing there too.

Freddie: Well, I’m already in another band with four  >50 year old guys playing experimental jazz rock, where I play hammond and synth. It’s great fun and it is great company.

Joe: Anything to do with Frank Turner

Graeme: it would be cool to play in a country/scot trad group, ideally playing piano but I could be persuaded to play acoustic/banjo.

Q5. Who's your favourite Scottish artist at the moment?

Liam: All time, probably Primal Scream, KT Tunstall, The Proclaimers or Belle and Sebastian. At the moment, probably Walt Disco, VISTAS or Logan’s Close (or us, tee hee).


Freddie: I think Amy Lou is the coolest person in all of Scotland. If I can be anyone when I grow up, I wanna be Amy

Graeme: The Proclaimers?

Q6. Which track do you currently have on heavy repeat?

Liam: 'Don’t Care Darlin’ by Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats is one I only heard a few days ago and I’m well into it. Both that and Better In Yellow by Ferris and Sylvester are getting a lot of play.

Joe: Comfort Zone - Fabric Bear

Freddie: Time - Jack Garratt

Graeme: Try Doing Right by the Wilders, it’s like proper country/blues.

Q7. Tell us more about upcoming single Surface Noise, what’s it about and how did you reach the finished track?

It’s about a few things, but it’s essentially about the people you feel most comfortable with and allow yourself to be vulnerable with, the people you know you can rely on and the people we too often forget are there for us.

It’s basically saying “I know you’re disillusioned, but I’ve been there and the way out is to be with the people you love.” The lyrics talk about a “place” but it’s more interpersonal than it first sounds.

Q8. Favourite live music venue?

Sneaky Pete’s holds a special place in our hearts, given our first sell out gig was there, but we’ve played at plenty of fine establishments around Edinburgh and have loved them all.

Q9. It seems isolation is affecting bands in two ways, either inspired to write more music or struggle to tap into their creative side, how are Better Halves managing?

We have been in contact with the producer Joe Sage, who offered to guide us through the Corona crisis. With his help, we are working to release some Isolation Tapes and stay “present” on our social media, when we are forced to be absent in the physical music scene.

Q10. What is the first thing you'll do post lockdown?

Liam: Discover new art, films, music, whatever takes your fancy, even create something - but don’t force productivity, making yourself make things will only make you more bored.

Graeme: Use the time to learn a new skill, like breathing underwater.

Joe: Walk places, it’s super sick!

Freddie: Learn a new skill, reach out to an old friend, read a good book - Now is the perfect time to try something you’ve always been putting off.


Check out latest single Surface Noise NOW





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