Here at Mockit our aim is to help promote unsigned, Scottish bands making music we love, but there are just some releases which need to be heard, regardless of location - False Heads’ latest assault on the masses, Less is Better EP, is one of those.

Hailing from East-London, the 3-piece have been causing a stir for over two years, with their infamous live shows and Punk-DIY ethos. However, generating a live reputation is one thing, but will the studio work match up?
It doesn’t take long to find out, as lead single,Yellow launches listeners into a frantic, yet structured punk/rock bliss, accompanied with an indie hook not heard since The Vines circa '04. Lead singer, Luke Griffiths, gets down and dirty with some growling vocals to rival that of Isaac Holman.
We get a brief pause for air with second track Retina, which should be familiar to fans of False Heads, the pulsating bass track taking centre stage in this grunge reality.
Continuing to genre-hop, Help Yourself, is next with a healthy dose of heart-on-your-sleeve rock. Catchy chorus, big riffs, with a breakdown leading to a rousing finale. Lyrically, amidst the angst and frustration aimed at the social media world we find ourselves in, False Heads reveal a more personal side, a theme sure to develop as the band start to grow.
For me, the highlight of the whole EP is epic final track, Wrap Up, a track so big it’ll have fans of Muse wishing they just stuck to what they were good at. With tempo changes round every corner, matched with Rage against the Machine sized riffs. It’s an irresistible cocktail which will have your head spinning.
I’ve not been quite this impressed with an EP for some time, it packs an almighty punch. The following quote from vocalist and lead guitarist Luke, sums it up rather heroically....
“We feel that people need to stand up in what they believe in. Viral activity and celebrity status is putting a dampener on authentic art, which for us is a big negative. We want to see and hear the real, raw expressionism of people!”
False Heads head out for a massive UK tour in support for Less is Better, see here for tickets Don't miss out. Believe the Hype.