Hailing from the musical hot-bed that is Dunfermline, Amy Lou first caught our attention earlier this year with her endearing solo Star Wars Tattoos and Other Stores EP and now she's set to launch her next musical chapter backed with a gang of marine biologists...

The first track to be released is, Chania, which also featured on her first EP, but here we get a bigger, quicker and altogether different affair. Starting with a one minute intro of sliding guitars, quick pounding drums, which is kicked into life by the unique voice of Amy Lou - what follows is three mins of fast-paced, foot stomping indie.
Amy Lou always strikes us a candid writer, opening up about her own experiences, throughout Chania we hear her discuss relatable feelings of being unsure, nervous about love and having those awkward first conversations!
With plenty of support slots under her belt playing with bands like Moonlight Zoo, Brownbear and successful shows at OutWith Festival, Amy Lou will be a name you'll no doubt hear more and more.
Those heading to EH6 Festival [Saturday 24th Nov] should make a note of her set time!