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Snash - White Out

The exploding Glasgow punk scene is no secret to anyone, with bands such as The Dunts, Heavy Rapids and Rascalton gathering admirers by the buck load, there seems to be an endless group of aspiring bands ready to kick down the door of the UK’s mainstream. The latest exponent, Snash, come hurtling out of blocks with their ferocious debut single, White Out.

The 4-piece waste no time with introductions and launch straight into it with a frantic 2mins of relentless punk-rock. Clearly not shy, the band's energy is matched with it's hard-hitting lyrics, snarled back with rare intensity.

On first impressions, there’s enough here to suggest Snash have that extra bite to ensure they stand out from the pack. After a successful single launch at local favourite, Broadcast, we are eager to see what else Snash have in their locker. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram



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