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Best New Music: Class of 2019

It's been another fantastic year of music from emerging artists across Scotland, covering a multitude of genres. There's really no other music scene like it!

Despite leaving it late, we've decided this year couldn't pass without us chipping-in with our favourite 20 tracks of 2019, check out the track listing and Spotify playlist below!

We‘ve been in full hibernation mode during the last few months, but keep your eyes peeled for our big in 2020 as we continue to bring you the best new music!

Track Listing

Spyres - Otherside

Lucia and the Best Boys - Good Girls Do Bad Things

Echo Machine - Automatic Love

swim school - sway

Paris Street Rebels - Kings of Balado

Be Charlotte - Do Not Disturb

Fabric Bear - Pop Song

Walt Disco - Dancing Shoes

Parliamo - End to End

Ok Button - Grenade

The Ninth Wave - This Broken Design

Amy Lou - Addiction

Beta Waves - Ad Lib

Scarlett Randle - HER

Gallus - Making Tracks

Mark Sharp & The Bicycle Thieves - Liquid Gold

Anna Sweeney - Change The Way I Dress

Snash - Warning

Luke La Volpe - Nightmare of the Streets

VanIves - Friends



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