Fresh from their first ever headline gig, we caught up with Scott Gribbons from Glasgow's ambient pop quartet Long-Distance. They're a band who continue to make engaging music, whilst also fully aware of social issues which should to be highlighted.

Having released their haunting single 'Violent Type' earlier this year to much acclaim, they aim to build momentum with some local gigs. Next Stop, Edinburgh...
Q. Thanks for sparing the time for a quick chat; For those unaware, who are Long-Distance and how did the band get together?
Long-Distance are a four piece ambient pop band from Glasgow. The guys were in another band and lost their singer and I had just moved up from Portsmouth, the rest is relatively unknown history.
Q. Forming in 2017, how has the band developed during the past year?
We emerged in 2017, but we’d been actually playing together for a couple of years before then. Learning, writing and trying to figure out what we actually wanted to sound like.
Q. You’re not a band shy to tackle important subjects, with latest single ‘Violent Type’ confronting domestic abuse. Do you feel it's important for those with a voice to highlight such social subjects?
We’ve always tried to make this band an extension of who we are and how we’re feeling and that’s why these subjects get tackled I guess.
It’s a challenge to be delicate with subjects like that, treat them with sensitivity and do them justice.
Q. Your record the single at Glasgow’s Gorbals Sound studio with the experienced Kevin Burleigh, how was this experience?
Kevin is unbelievable. He’s straight to the point. He’ll tell you if something is working or if it’s shit and I think when you’ve spent so long with an idea or song, you need someone to open your eyes to that.
Q. With all 3 of your releases raising money for Simon Community Scotland, how did the affiliation start? and do you see this continuing?
Homelessness in Glasgow is an issue, we all know it and we can all see it. It’s a very complicated issue though and Simon Community really understand that. They have such amazing services available to vulnerable people and dedicated teams that work so, so hard. We just wanted to help them a bit, shout their name a bit and do what we can. We actually met them recently to talk future plans and see what we can do in the future, so watch this space I guess!
Q. You’ve played gigs all over Scotland, which was the most memorable?
We played our first headline show last Friday and it has to be that. It was such a buzz to share that with so many people.
Q. Plans for 2019?
More tunes, more shows and hopefully a few surprises.
Long-Distance play Leith Depot this Friday (2nd Nov) - grab tickets here!
Learn more about Simon Community Scotland