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Isolation Insiders: SLIX

Updated: Apr 17, 2020

With the world in self-isolation and gigs coming to a halt, except for broadband-dependent live shows, we thought we'd keep our favourite artists and their fans entertained with a series of interviews. Next up:


We caught up with Paul and Harvey from young punk 5-piece, SLIX - fresh from recording their latest single, Mindless, at Glasgow's 7 West studios - to discuss Tiger King, their favourite Scottish bands and why Seagulls should go the way of the Dodo...

Q1. What’s the SLIX origin story?

(Harvey) Most of us met in high school and college and have always been friendly with each other but it wasn’t until 4th year when we decided to start jamming in our local practice space, originally messing about with covers of Mac DeMarco, Arctic Monkeys and so on and it took off from there to the point we began writing our own material and looking to get gigs.

Q2. Describe each member in three words?

(Paul) Robbie - Irresponsible eyebrow carer

Niven - "I'll be late"

Harvey - Our saving grace

Paul - Big fuckin' goth

Cammy - Goth but less

Q3. If someone’s never listened to you before, which track should they start with?

(Harvey) Personally I’d recommend Mindless to someone who’s never listened to SLIX before, purely due to the fact it’s our latest single with the best recording quality recorded at 7 West Studios and it’s our most recent style of writing.

We play it last at our shows as it seems to go down pretty well with crowds and it’s overall more experimental with guitar tones and the whole writing process, we had a lot of fun recording it.

Q4. If you could be in any other band, which would it be and which instrument would you want to play?

(Paul) Playing guitar for Deftones would be unreal, they're one of my favourite bands and a lot of times when I'm listening to them I'm like "why couldnt I have thought of that first?"

Q5. Who's your favourite Scottish artist at the moment?

(Harvey) I find it hard to choose one artist as a favourite as the Scottish scene at the moment is incredible with so much talent out there, but I’d say my favourite Scottish artist currently would have to be Gallus. I’ve been getting into them so much lately after their single ‘Breathless’ came out.

I’ve seen them a few times and they have this immense energy that gets every crowd right up for it, I’m also a massive fan of their unique sound that seems to blend post-punk with ska.

Would definitely like to shoutout our good pals in Ghostbaby and The Stoned Immaculate who’ve both released new music in the past month and it’s all sounding amazing.

Q6. Which track do you currently have on heavy repeat?

(Harvey) The top 3 songs in my Spotify repeat playlist right now are all brand new from Glasgow bands, with TV Set by Voodoos in first followed by Baby Strange More! More! More! And then Learn by The Dunts, all amazing tunes.

Q7. Your favourite track to play live?

(Paul) Bit of an obvious answer but Mindless, just because it's got lots of noise and weird effects in it, and also my only guitar solo of the set.

Q8. Favourite live music venue?

(Paul) I have a lot of fond memories of going to hardcore and pop punk shows at Audio. Classic Grand and Stereo are honourable mentions!

Q9. Ever been star struck when meeting or playing with other bands?

(Paul) Not really, playing with Bad Dreems would have been cool if it hadn't been cancelled, cos Harvey and I both saw them supporting The Chats last year, but I dont think I'd have been star struck or anything.

Q10. Most epic gig you've ever attended?

My favourite gig I’ve ever been to would absolutely have to be The Stone Roses at Hampden, the atmosphere that whole day was top notch and I was surrounded by my closest mates at the time all wearing bucket hats soaking up the fact that this probably could never happen again. Arctic Monkeys at Trnsmt is a close second.

Q11.What would you change about the music industry?

(Paul) Get rid of dodgy promoters. A lot of promoters like the take advantage of young bands who don't know better and completely mess them over just to push more tickets for themselves.

Q12. With everyone now at home, what are you top tips to avoid waves of boredom?

(Harvey & Paul) Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint and wait for all this to blow over.*

Q13. What is the first thing you'll do post lockdown?

(Harvey) After going to the drive-thru of KFC and McDonald’s then putting it all on a Domino’s pizza I’ll most likely go straight to the pub and see all my mates to ask them what they’ve been up to during isolation to which every single person will reply ‘Not much mate, yourself?’


Q13. Aldi or Lidl?

(Harvey) I’m a Lidl man – their Pepperoni ‘Alfredo’ brand pizzas are sublime.

Q14. Favourite Pick 'n' Mix sweet?

(Paul) Mini eggs are god tier. [Editor note: Stewards enquiry called to confirm if Mini Eggs are in fact pick n mix sweets. Result: Inconclusive]

Q15. Do you sing in the shower?

(Paul) Sometimes I sing a lot of Pixies in the shower, sometimes I just sit down and let the water hit my face to see if it feels like being waterboarded.

Q16. Are Avocados strictly for Hipsters?

(Paul) I have a lot of vegan friends who would say no, but I'm so out of the loop on the avocado hype.

Q17. You host a dream dinner night but can only invite 3 musicians guests. Who are they?

(Harvey) John Lennon is an obvious choice, he’s been an idol for me ever since I started writing songs. It wouldn’t be a dinner party without asking Jim Hendrix about his acid trip at Woodstock so he’d definitely be on my list aswell, and finally I’d invite Kurt Cobain – I loved Nirvana growing up and what better opportunity to ask him to sign my Squier Mustang.

Q18. Which animal would you make extinct?

(Harvey) 110% seagulls, winged rats that contribute absolutely nothing to society other than float about being a nuisance and stealing chips.

Q19. Did Carole Fuck'n Baskin kill her husband?

(Harvey) The real question is how did she kill her husband? She said her grinder couldn’t even fit his hand – how would she know? She also was well equipped in the feeding-humans-to-live-tigers department with her comments about sardine oil. Malicious.

Q20. Sex Pistols, The Ramones or The Clash

(Paul) Sex Pistols any day, Johnny Rotten was some boy.

Q19. Can you remember what the original Irn-Bru used to taste like?

(Paul) Not really, but I CAN remember what Orange Lucozade used to taste like, why isnt anyone as upset about that?

Q20. Buckfast, Dragon Soop or MD20/20?

(Harvey) Mad Dog and Bucky absolutely have their place most likely being in Robbie’s hand when we’re on stage but I’ve always thought of Dragon Soop as a secret weapon for a night out only about 3 pounds yet gives you some buzz and can always stand in as the extra drink you’d have alongside MD or Buckfast like a side dish or dessert.





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