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Isolation Insiders: Pyro

With the world in self-isolation and gigs coming to a halt, except for broadband-dependent live shows, we thought we'd keep our favourite artists and their fans entertained with a series of interviews.

You'll soon learn everything from their German supermarket of choice to favourite pick 'n' mix and of course some hard-hitting music journalisms inbetween.


We've been fans of the Bathgate-duo for a few years, it's been exciting to see them develop as musicians, with latest single 'I'll understand' showing a new maturity both lyrically and musically. We caught up with them to chat shower singing, dream dinner guests and their favourite bands at the moment...

Q1. What’s the Pyro origin story?

Connor: We played in a high school cover band together and cause we couldn’t find a bassist or singer we just done it two piece.

Cameron: We just ended up jamming and stuff, I found out Connor could write tunes fo I forced him into it.

Q2. Describe each member in three words?

Connor: Thoughtful, creative, outgoing 

Cameron: Persistant, chatty and flamboyant

Q3. If someone’s never listened to you before, which track should they start with?

Connor/Cameron: We would say start with our latest release, I Understand, as we believe it’s our best track yet, but for us we’re just happy people listen to us.

Q4. If you could be in any other band, which would it be and which instrument would you want to play?

Cameron: I'm pretty happy playing guitar in Pyro.

Connor: I’d want to be that person in Noel Gallaghers band that plays the scissors. Easy gig.

Q5. Tell us more about latest single ‘I’ll Understand’ what’s it about and how did you reach the finished track? 

Cameron: I'll Understand is a track we've had recorded for a few months now and have been dying to release, it's a good flow from our last couple of releases and portrays us well I think.

ConnorIt’s about losing someone or losing the connection with that person and in a way with yourself. Our writing process isn’t as intense as others may be.

I’ll write lyrics and Cammy will write the guitar parts, if we like it we keep it and play it and that’s where you really find out if the song is good enough or not. Luckily it was.

Q6. Who's your favourite Scottish artist at the moment?

Connor: Big Lewis as he is the embodiment of Scottish sex appeal.

Cameron: For me it's Fatherson, I'm excited for some more music from them.

Q7. Which track do you currently have on heavy repeat?

Connor: Notorious thugs. Biggie Smalls

Cameron: I'm a huge Jack Garrett fan and his latest EP is unreal, Return Them To The One has been played a lot over the last month.

Q7. Your best gig as a band?

Cameron: When we done 'Hit the Road" that was a class weekend and most festivals I love! I couldn't really pin one gig.

Connor: My favourites are our single launches as it’s a big piss up with your mates really. 

Q8. Favourite live music venue?

Connor: Stramash, Edinburgh. 

Cameron: Any venue with a decent green room. I think La Belle Angele is a great venue.

Q8. Ever been star struck when meeting or playing with other bands?

Cameron: Yep, definitely. I'm not dropping names though. 

Connor: I’m not the type to be starstruck by anyone to be honest. 

Q9. Scariest gig experience?

Connor: Our first gig way back in January 2016 as I didn’t really know what to expect

Cameron: I'm not sure I've ever had a 'scary' gig, I'm not a nervous person when it comes to gigging.

Q10.What would you change about the music industry?

Connor: I would change the fact that musicians are taken advantage of in anyway that businesses or venues can. A bit of humanity that’s all.

Cameron: I don't like how so many bands have a low key rivalry, one good thing about West Lothian is that all the bands try help each other.

Q11. With everyone now at home, what are you top tips to avoid waves of boredom?

Cameron: Listen to us on repeat! Do whatever you enjoy just as long as it's not with other people.

Connor: Meditate and exercise. Keep the mind active or you will inevitably get bored, it’s a perfect opportunity to do that thing you’ve been putting off. Learn to cook, paint, try yoga etc.. you’ve got time there’s no excuse. 

Q12. What is the first thing you'll do post lockdown?

Cameron: Straight to the pub for a pint.

Connor: Get on it with the team. 


Q13. Aldi or Lidl?

Connor: Lidl (it’s got a bakery)

Cameron: Usually Aldi but Lidl have just opened a massive shop in Bathgate and they have taken over!

Q14. Favourite sweet from Pix N Mix?

Connor: The wee bananas or shrimp

Cameron: White mice 100%

Q15. Do you sing in the shower?

Cameron: I actually don't, however I know for a fact Connor does.

Connor: I love a bit of reggae in the shower. Jammin by Bob Marley

Q16. Are Avocados strictly for Hipsters?

Cameron: Definitely, ban them for sale to the general public.

Connor: It was definitely popularised by the hipsters but if you like it then I guess it’s for the lot of you just not me.

Q17. You host a dream dinner night but can only invite 3 musicians guests. Who are they?

ConnorNo brainier. Freddie Mercury, John Bonham and Bob Marley 

Cameron: Freddie Mercury, Dick Dale and Kurt Cobain

Q18. How do you cook your eggs?

Cameron: With milk and bread (French Toast)

Connor: I ALWAYS scramble them the way my oma taught my mum when she was a kid.

I don't care what anyone says my scrambled eggs are better than yours, end of.

Q19. Can you remember what the original Irn-Bru used to taste like?

Connor: Yes it tastes of better times, when life made sense so yeah I miss it.

Cameron: I remember it well, I only started drinking Irn Bru about a year before it changed, a bad time to start.

Q20. Buckfast, Dragonsoop or MD20/20?

Cameron: 100% BUCKFAST, I love the stuff.

Connor: I need to support the team and pick tonic even though I’m not a massive drinker.


Check out Pyro's excellent new single 'I'll Understand', which shines a spotlight on mental health issues, and as such the band we will be raising money for the Tiny Changes charity thoughout the release.




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