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Indigo Velvet: King Tuts // 23rd Feb

Updated: Mar 12, 2019

It's not often there's such an epic lineup with 3 of the best emerging acts in support of a homegrown headliner in the form of tropical-indie legends, Indigo Velvet!

Moonlight Zoo

Great to see the Moonlight-ers back on stage full of the infectious pop which endears them to so many. Frontman Sean De Francesco was his charming self as he encouraged the early crowd to get involved. Yes, the nailed on tracks such as ‘Melting’, the epic closure ‘Breaking or Broken’ and last years playlist favourite ‘Wild’ all went down a storm, however, tonight was about the new tunes they’ve been working on. Each sounding like a progression along the well traveled indie-pop road, but with that unique “Zoo” charm. The many who made it up the stairs early were treated to the perfect opener.

Amy Lou

Fresh from the release of recent single Fiat Five Hunner, Amy Lou, dressed in her 'Indie Girls Dream' top, stormed the King Tuts stage with her own brand of alternative indie. Backed with a young talented band, the 4 piece are going from strength to strength as they ramp up the gigs. Last year’s debut (sort of) single ‘Chania’ provided Amy the chance to let loose as her feisty vocals and Fife twang started to woo the crowd from downstairs, the room started to fill nicely. Amy Lou have plenty lined up this year so there’s no excuse to miss out!

Chris Greig and the Merchants

In a world seemingly full or anger and hate, it warms the heart to see a band with the happy-go-lucky attitude of Chris Greig and The Merchants. Sure, it’s nothing ground-breaking, but live tracks like ‘Home', ‘Railways’ and ‘Talking Aloud’ make it impossible not to get swept away. It’s clear the crowd are lapping it up as they erupt in personalised chanting after every song (that’s when you know you’ve made). Some bands were made to perform live and it’s not until you witness a CG&TM gig you full appreciate the electric atmosphere generated.

Indigo Velvet

As fans bounced up the famous King Tuts stairway, you could sense the excitement in the air, tonight was going to be something special. It takes a bold band to follow that stellar support lineup, but luckily the ambitious Indigo Velvet are no strangers to headline slots.

Tonight’s set showcased just why the Edinburgh based 4-piece are much loved within the Scottish music scene by musicians and fans alike, very few bands have such a dedicated following who will pack a venue when called upon!

Over the years Indigo Velvet have continued to hone their live show, making them one of the tightest outfits touring at the moment, resulting in barely a misstep all night. The drums were relentless, guitar crisp, vocals on point - much like the leopard print shirt!

Set highlight and latest single “Nineteen” is a nod to the bands future with a slightly heavier outro and soaring guitar solos providing the perfect soundtrack for a Saturday night; everywhere you turn there’s beaming smiles, sweaty faces and swaying hips. - DC



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