I’m deaf. I’ve gone completely deaf. Despite wearing what i believed were robust ear plugs, my ears are still completely ringing some 15 hours post Idles. After a breakthrough 2017, this was surely one of the last times to catch Idles in such an intimate venue. An opportunity which was fervently grasped by the Glasgow crowd.

It all started with a prowling Joe Talbot, pacing across the G2 stage, before he was joined by a dungaree wearing Mark Bowen and the boys. They dive straight (literally) into Heel/Heal, followed by Date Night, it’s a frantic start which does not let up for the next 60mins. It’s not long before Mark is mixing amongst Glasgow’s finest, before returning with a rendition of Mariah Carey’s All i want for Christmas. Joe is a commanding figure on stage, demanding your attention - pausing between songs to highlight themes such as Depression, NHS and the benefits to society from immigration.
In true Idles tradition, as soon as the words Well Done were uttered, the stage was invaded by fans and the stage diving commenced. Even Mockit Muisc’s very own Stew got involved, reliving his earlier crowd surfing days. It was a joy from start to finish, a rare band with a voice that needs to be heard.
As a member of the Idles AF facebook community, it’s clear to see Idles means a lot to many people (some guys even flew up from London for tonight!) and judging by new tracks I Am Scum and Danny Nedelko, this number will continue to grow. During the set, they apologised for the lack of Glasgow gigs, something i’m sure they’ll rectify as the Idles dominance continues.
Can’t wait to catch up with them supporting Future Islands and at Electric Fields.
Highlights: Stage diving for Well Done; Divide & Conquer; Dungarees!
Lowlights: Nada; Nothing; Zero