Fresh from a new EP release, live performances on BBC Introducing and daily plays on Radio 6, we had a quick fire chat with Oli from Future Get Down. This Friday they'll be taking to the stage at Edinburgh's Mash House to celebrate their new EP2, get down and see the future!

Your first single Dreamkillers was written in 2015 how has your song writing process developed since then?
What works for me is constantly writing until things start emerging from sketches. That’s never really changed, I just seem to do more of it and have a clearer idea of how we could potentially start working it in to a rehearsal or demo.
At some stage in the process it becomes more about the decisions you make. Sometimes the best decision is to ditch it. You can always go back to it.
As a band we’re definitely getting better and better at playing together.
We caught you on Monday morning on BBC 6 – You must still get such a buzz on hearing your music being played when you don’t expect it.
It’s always a good feeling and you have to remember it’s usually happening at the end of quite a long process. I think the synth hook from the track you heard on 6 was recorded around 4-5 years ago. I really liked it but didn’t know what to do with it. It was shaping it around the band that gave it a new lease of life.
What would be your dream venue to play?
Skye Live or Iceland Airwaves - not venues as such but incredible locations for a live show. Maybe Amsterdam’s Paradiso.
Who are you currently listening to most?
I’ve been on a bit of a Jim O’Rourke binge of late - Wilco’s A Ghost is Born and whole bunch of his Steamroom releases on Bandcamp.
Ava Luna’s new album is a stand out and Davie Miller’s new radio show on EHFM has lead me to some new discoveries like John Giorn and Callum Easter.
Beta Band's 3EPs reissue is in the post.
What inspired the bee suits?
Got stung once. Never happening again.
Last gig you attended?
Soulwax at SWG3. Some show and a brilliant venue.
Favourite movie of all time?
I wake up to I Got You Babe every morning.
14th Sept, The Mash House, Edinburgh
w/ Super Inuit , Glassmasterer