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Jun 11, 2018
2 min read
Boy Azooga // Sneaky Pete's // 5th June
Sneaky Pete’s was packed to the rafters, queues at the bar, merch table out - there with a palpable buzz in the air. Buoyed by a recent...
May 26, 2018
2 min read
The Dunts // Sneaky Pete's // 23rd May
Continuing their rapid rise, The Dunts prove why they're a band ready to explode. Gathering a fair-sized early crowd, The Morning...
May 17, 2018
2 min read
The Vegan Leather // Sneaky Pete's // 14th May
Hot on the heels of their latest release, I speak American, The Vegan Leather provide Edinburgh with a glimpse of what lies ahead, as...
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