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Sep 26, 2018
2 min read
This Feeling: Voodoos // Sneaky Pete's // 22nd Sept
The night starts with Falkirk 3-piece Primes bringing their melodic alt-rock, complimented by two strong singers in Sarah and Ollie. The...
Aug 22, 2018
3 min read
Kyle Falconer // The Warehouse // 18th August
As a Falkirk boy it’s always nice to see the town still capable of drawing some top bands, and tonight is the best lineup for a while...
Jul 27, 2018
2 min read
Shambolics // King Tut's // 20th July
King Tut’s is a right of passage for most bands; some support, some go straight into headlining, but only a few rising bands sell...
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