Where: Sneaky Pete's
When: 26th September 2019
Bands: Heavy Rapids, Parliamo, Paris Street Rebels
A band we’ve been backing since we started, Paris Street Rebels, opened proceedings with a typically energetic set with all the live favourites present. Despite lead singer, Grant Malcom’s want for an Abba cover, the band stuck to their own material - which was enough to win over early gig goers. Opening with Freakshow and closing with latest single Nightcrawler, the band continue to win fans across Scotland with their no-nonese punk rock. All I have to say is; Boys, please release Teddy Boys!
Must listen: Kings of Balado, Nightcrawler

What they lack in inches on their jeans, Parliamo, make up for in youthful energy and attitude. Lead vocalist, Jack Dailly, was on electric form, with enough steps to send a Fitbit into meltdown. The 5-piece brought a healthy local crowd who lapped up all the dance-infused indie gems such as Youth and latest sing End to End. The pace slowed ever-so-slightly with ballad Sun Never Shines, a song for all those who grew up in a shit town, but loved it all the same - something a Falkirk boy can relate to. Any band who swap instruments between members mid gig are a winner in our book.
Must Listen: Youth, Thrill of the Chase

Now for headliners - Heavy Rapids - who lets be frank, absolutely smashed it. Following their massive supporting slot with Courteeners during Edinburgh's Summer Sessions, the Glasgow-based band played to a good as sold out Sneaky Pete’s in celebration of their new EP: Cash in Hand.
What Heavy Rapids do so well is convey their own experiences and social concerns through smart and subtle lyrics delivered with sincerity and punk riffs. The opening few tracks were littered with hometown references, particularly everyone's favourite haunt, The Priory (Money is Power).

Dressed in a ‘Fuck This Shit’ t-shirt, (which accurately sums up the feelings of a nation), frontman Dillon was an accomplished, intriguing and an altogether commanding figure throughout, who for 40mins, distracted the Edinburgh audience from the on-going political shit storm, as they were swept away by the raw energy and musicianship on show tonight.
Rattling through their back catalogue, which is packed with quality, especially ‘Crying Shame’, ‘Hurriance E’ and the Jamie-lead ‘Paisley Pattern’. However, what tonight highlighted more than anything was the band’s belief in their new material, as dropping fan favourite ‘Stuck With’ in favour of new tracks was both bold and risky - but thankfully it paid off. Such confidence is a trait any ambitious band needs to have, maybe we’ll hear it again at the 10 year anniversary tour?
The night concluded in spectacular style as they performed penultimate track ‘Hugger Mugger’, released in 2017, it's one of the band's earliest releases, which still sounds just as menacing as it’s first outing. - DC
